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13 Seals of Good Local Governance in Cordillera

Read more about how 13 LGUs in Cordillera got a Seal of Good Local Governance grant last 2022.

Transparency and accountability for its constituents have been the core values of the thirteen local government units in the Cordillera region, awarding them with the Seal of Good Local Governance (SGLG) and its attached financial grants.

1. Municipal Awardees

The DILG municipal awardees were Bucay, Dolores, La Paz, Peñarrubia, San Juan, and Tayum in Abra; Conner in Apayao; Asipulo and Lamut in Ifugao; Pasil and Rizal in Kalinga, and Bontoc in Mountain Province.

2. Ten Governance Area

Awardees of SGLG met the “all or nothing” criteria: financial administration; disaster preparedness; social protection and sensitivity; health compliance and responsiveness; sustainable education; business-friendliness and competitiveness; safety, peace and order; environmental management; tourism; heritage development; culture and arts; and youth development.

3. Financial Grants for Developmental Projects

The subsidy will help enhance transparency and accountability in all local government transactions, such as disaster preparedness, inclusion of vulnerable sectors, responsive health services, and quality education. Priority projects will also aim to preserve the integrity of the environment, boost economic development, and promote peace and order.

Learn more about how LGUs put a premium on integrity and good performance here.

This project is supported by The Asia Foundation in cooperation with the Department of the Interior and Local Government.
Experience designed by Limitless Lab.